: a sociable person who has cultivated and refined tastes especially with respect to food and drink

(or in our case, marketing)


The party starts with our name…

Vivant Ideas was named for the French phrase Bon Vivant; which in a nutshell, is an individual with refined taste and a talent (obligation?) for being the life of the party.

Our philosophy is that life and business should be done to the fullest. The branding, design services, and marketing strategies we provide will leave your clients thinking you’re the Bon Vivant too.

OH - I forgot to introduce myself!

Hi! I’m Kelsie.

I got my start in the creative industry several years ago while interning for The Kimbell Art Museum, which segued into a marketing career within the non-profit world. Somehow, and I’m not really sure how, but my work with non-profits led to new experiences in agricultural marketing and the brave world of print design. Not only did I learn new design skills, my love for photography and video production was rekindled around this same time. Since then, I have worked with small startups, family-owned, local businesses, realtors, industrial manufacturers, insurance companies, and many more. I mean, it’s kind of a wide range of clients. What I’m getting at is, no matter the industry or the product, I would love to help market your business… and I promise we will have a blast while doing it!

Let’s grab coffee or a glass of bubbly and chat!