Cheers to One Year - Vivant Ideas Celebrates Our First Year!

My personal motto, battle cry, all-around goal in life has been this for a very long time, “Dream big. Be brave. Show kindness.” Starting my marketing business last year has allowed me to do just that and I couldn’t be more excited to be celebrating my first year!

I started Vivant Ideas in late 2019 having no inkling of what was to come in 2020, but I am so glad I did. This year was weird and sad and even scary sometimes, but I really have to count my blessings. I never would have thought that in a year like this I could grow so much personally and professionally. Like many of you, I’ve been juggling working from home as much as possible and being a mom to child who is currently home with me. There have been challenges, hard times, and learning opportunities (ie. mistakes) made, but for every one of those there have been blessings and good things ten fold.

Thank you to my clients, friends, and family for their trust and support this year. I wouldn’t be typing this happy post right now if it weren’t for all you. From the bottom of my heart, a million thanks.