The Guide to Unobnoxious Sales Funnels

You've got an awesome product or service, but people just aren't buying. What's the deal? Your problem could be with your sales funnel. You may not even have a sales funnel (or maybe you do and it’s getting on people’s nerves). Good marketing is based on a solid, honest plan that won’t drive your customers bonkers. Here’s my take on the four step sales funnel, one that won’t drive people away.

1. Awareness - This stage is all about raising, you got it, AWARENESS about your brand. The awareness stage is relevant to all marketing platforms your using; websites, email, social media, advertising, packaging, literally all of it. Consistent and beautiful branding will show your customer that your product or service is top notch. Grab your customer's attention by showing them your integrity, honesty, and ingenuity, then move on to phase two!

2. Interest - OK, GREAT! You’ve got your customers’ attention. You’re building their trust with good branding, transparent business practices, and solid social media marketing. They have your product in mind and they’ve started to shop around, price comparing, and checking out your competition. The key here is DON’T PUSH IT. You know how it is when you go into a store just to look and there’s a pushy salesperson that just… won’t… go… away…? Don’t turn your business into that salesperson. Instead, offer insight and help to your customer. Show them that you’re company has both great customer service and cares about them.

3. Decision - Yippee! The time has finally come. Your customer is ready to buy or sign up. Time to sweeten the deal and make them an offer that enhances their buying experience. Examples of this can be free shipping, a bonus product, or a complimentary add-on service. Anything really - I’ve never met a person who didn’t like free stuff and they let your customer know that you appreciate their business.

4. Action - And here we are at the end of the funnel - JUST KIDDING, it never ends! Just because your prospective customer has now become part of your family, it doesn’t mean you get to forget about them. Now is the time for retention. Continue to check in on your customers and be helpful, don’t be a pest about it, but genuinely check in on them to see how things are going and how they’re liking your product. Offer them opportunities to write a review, recommend your services, and send the occasional off that’s really, really good.

The key in all four of these sales funnel steps is to be HELPFUL not PUSHY. Think about buying experiences that you enjoy and then implement that in your own business. Most of all, make your customers feel valued and appreciated and they’ll be with you for years.

If you’d like to talk more about coming up with a sales process and strategy for your business, contact me. I’d love to help you find a way to build your business in the friendliest way possible.